Thursday, April 30, 2009


Today's Arthur

Snack Attack

The quest for snacks continues! This time I went into Got Pet Food on 14th St. in Santa Monica and came out with organic wheat-free cranberry/cheddar biscuits in a little tin from a Vermont-based company called Wagatha's. The biscuits contain salt, which I'm not crazy about, but since the salt is listed as the last ingredient, I decided to try them anyway.

Good move: look at how delicious they look, how crantastic! With little bits of spearmint! I was tempted to eat one myself. I don't love the wasteful packaging, but maybe a cardboard tube is better than a plastic bag? Someone needs to open a dog-treats co-op where you could buy all your organic biscuits in bulk.

Anyway, Arthur loved them, like he loves most treats. (And growling at your food apparently makes it taste better.)